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Registration & Sign up
This section helps you to get an understanding on how you can register in the application with your basic, company information and the option to set your password for log into the Shepherd Shield Ads Bidding Platform.
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This section gives you an understanding on how to login to the Shepherd Shield Ads Bidding Platform using the registered email id and password as well as on how to reset the password of your account.
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This section gives you an understanding on how to view your basic information and company information provided during the account registration, edit your profile, add branch address for your company and change your password.
4 articles
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This section gives you a detailed overview of total no of campaigns, ads, targeting metrics & top-performing campaigns in the application.
4 articles
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User Settings
This section gives you an understanding on how to configure the email notifications as well as reports for your account.
1 article
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This section gives you an understanding on how to view all the notifications triggered in the application.
6 articles
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Campaign & Ads
It is a collection of ads which allows you to promote your products or services on the Shepherd Shield mobile application.
12 articles
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Wallet Management
This section gives you an understanding on how you can manage your payments, redeem coupon codes, and transactions in the application.
3 articles
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This section helps you to get an understanding on how you can view and download the reports, and filter the reports based on certain parameters in the application.
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5 articles
Set Password
Company Information
Basic Information
Introduction to Shepherd Shield Ads Platform
Successful or Failed Transaction
Most viewed
5 articles
Introduction to Shepherd Shield Ads Platform
Login and Forgot Password
Company Information
Basic Information
Set Password
Most liked
5 articles
Introduction to Shepherd Shield Ads Platform
Basic Information
Set Password
Successful or Failed Transaction
Login and Forgot Password